The GPS is from Global Positioning System was designed by the US Department of Defense, as a way to track one’s exact location anywhere in the world. The United States Department of Defense allows the public to use it for free. The GPS in an airplane basically has a map of the route from the original location to the destination. The GPS network have 24 navigation satellites, which orbit the planet at a height of approximately 12,000 miles. These satellites each orbit the earth twice every 24 hours, and they are set up in such a way that they can send signals to any location on the planet, whether it be land or sea, and no matter how remote. each satellite have own number from 1-24 that we can see from gps viewer software. The GPS satellites are continuously beaming positioning data, which can be picked up by Devices on the ground such as garmin nuvi. this device have use well know to use for navigator on the road. One popular option is the Garmin aviation GPS. This system is designed specifically for the use in aircraft. Not all GPS systems will work in an aircraft like they would in a car, so buying a specialized aircraft GPS is important. Despite the common misconception that enabled devices are prohibitively expensive, and only useful in scientific and military operations, many of these useful gadgets are primarily designed with the consumer in mind. For example, GPS handhelds can be carried around on one’s pocket, and are very useful for a number of functions. GPS technology with common consumer products such as mobile phones.
Posted by myproductreviews
at 12:44 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 August 2008 1:25 AM EDT
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Updated: Monday, 11 August 2008 1:25 AM EDT
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